DSS / Foster Parents

Volunteers welcoming campers

Camp Overview

Summerville Royal Family Kids’ Camp is a one week residential summer camp designed with the foster child in mind. It’s part of a growing network of camps wold wide. The camping experience is geared for success, recognizing the needs of abused, neglected and abandoned children. The activities are non-competitive, non-threatening and fun.  Since 2018 we have used Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) tools and practices to great success.

At camp, foster children receive lots of individual attention in a wholesome environment, participating in a variety of fun and educational activities.

Young ladies dressed up at a tea party

Tea Party

Volunteers stylists and cosmetologists from local colleges and salons pamper each girl, helping them look their best for the tea party. The girls choose from over 100 prom dresses. Add jewelry and a tiara and they feel royal.

Actors dressed up


We use a different play each year to show them God has a plan for their lives, that they’re special and loved. Performed in five scenes, one per day, the kids love it and can’t wait for the next episode.

Camper blowing out candles on a birthday cake

Everybody’s Birthday Party

We know some foster children miss out on this and we make up for that with birthday cakes, jump castles and more. It’s a highlight.


We choose activities especially designed to set the kids up for success. We help them work together as a team and to celebrate each other’s success as well. The combination of drama, music and activities, all covered in love is life changing.

Group of many volunteers and children

We Support Social Services

Because of our cordial and prolonged relationship with nationwide social services for over 30 years, the staff and volunteers of Royal Family KIDS Camp have a deep respect and appreciation for the people who make up social services.

The national organization of Royal Family Kids’ is not affiliated with any particular denomination with camps sponsored by 26 different denominations.

Most Social Service departments refer children to faith-based camps such as those sponsored by the Salvation Army and Catholic Social Services when two criteria are met:

  1. No child is coerced to accept any particular religion
  2. Attendance is voluntary.

Royal Family Kids’ meets these two criteria.

Although each Camp Counselor and Staff member is a committed Christian, the camps do not proselytize, and no religion is ever criticized or denigrated.

Our camp extends love and care, with adults modeling a non-violent, positive way of life as an alternative to many of the negative, abusive situations foster children have faced.

Summerville Royal Family KIDS Camp has hosted children from 18 different counties throughout South Carolina. Children come from as far away as Greenville, Rock Hill, Myrtle Beach, and Beaufort.

Two counselors with a camper

Our Camp is Safe

Strict and important measures are taken to ensure the camps are safe for the children you serve.

Apply today

Space is limited. We’ve made it easy to apply online.

Apply for a child to attend camp