Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the camp?

This is by far the most commonly asked question and one we won’t answer.  The camp is for foster children.  Every now and then, a biological parent decides to try to get their children back without following the judge’s orders.  For that reason, we keep the camp location under wraps – it’s for the safety of the children.  It’s in the Lowcountry and has plenty of opportunities for the kids to enjoy our drama, music, activities, swimming, a good meal and a hot shower.  Please respect the kids’ safety and help us keep that location quiet.

How much does it cost to sponsor a child?

That’s a great question.  With one counselor for every two children, we’re guaranteed to have a higher cost than a non-residential camp with a lower staff-to-child ratio.  The more kids we have, the less it costs per child.  A small camp of only 24 children would cost around $700 per child.  With 40 children the cost per child drops to about $500.  The cost per child continues to drop as the camp size increases but it’s never going to be less than $500 per child. If you’d like to sponsor a child, we invite you to donate.

Is it an overnight camp?

Yes.  Children going to Vacation Bible School two hours per day don’t have a big readjustment to make when they go home at night.  For many foster children, it’s difficult to make that adjustment.  By having an overnight camp, our kids can relax and enjoy being loved on for the entire week without having to make that camp/home/camp/home adjustment all week.

What do counselors do?

You get to be a big brother or big sister for a week.  The schedule is completely planned in advance and your main job is to love on your two kids and help them have the time of their lives.

Do your counselors get special training?

Yes.  All of our counselors and full-time staff undergo a background check and receive 12 hours of training the first year and 8 hours of training every year after that.  The training is geared specifically toward working with foster children.  We use Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) principles, developed by Karen Purvis at Texas Christian University.

How can I help?

We have an entire page devoted to that.  We need volunteers for big things and small.  If you want to help but aren’t sure what you can do, call the director and talk about it.

Is my contribution tax deductible?

Yes.  Calvary Chapel Summerville is our host church.  You’ll receive a tax statement at the end of the year.

Is this a religious group?

No.  This is a camp for the community, hosted by a church.  We very definitely share the love of Christ with our campers but we have strict guidelines we follow to minimize those concerns.

Can I visit the camp?

Maybe.  We do allow visitors with a legitimate reason.  Contact the director personally for more information.

Do you keep in touch with the campers?

Not so much.  We have a two-person policy at camp.  That means no child is ever alone with one volunteer.  That’s for the safety of both.  Any contact with a camper after camp could jeopardize that.  So we don’t make contact in person, by phone or through social media.  Every now and then we will cross paths with a camper at a restaurant or store and it’s always a happy occasion.  Some camps have clubs as well and those clubs allow monthly connections.  One day we’ll have that as well.  If you’re a foster parent and would like to contact your child’s counselor or any staff member after camp, call or send the director an email and we’ll make it happen.

Have another question?

Send us an email.